Monday, September 26, 2005

"His Barking Dog" Open for Business

In our age of varied and persistent challenges to the authority of the Word of God, “His Barking Dog” is but one more voice offering news, commentary, and opinion. My orientation is that of an Evangelical Baptist. For the immediate future, most of my blogs will deal with controversies within the American Baptist Churches, USA.

“His Barking Dog” is open for business!

Dennis E. McFadden

[For purists, the Calvin quote about the barking dog, "Un chien abaye, sil voyt quon assaille son maistre; ie serois bien lasche, si en voyant la verite de dieu ainsi assallye, ie faisois du muet sans sonner mot," can be found in Schaff, P., & Schaff, D. S. (1997). History of the Christian church.]


Dennis E. McFadden said...
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Dennis E. McFadden said...

Sorry to hear you are vertically challenged when it comes to fences. My bark is as ecumenically broad as classical Christianity (non-sectarian, non-fundamentalist), interdenominational in scope, and broadly evangelical in niche. Outside of my judicatory, my closest friends are moderate to far-left (so much for the restrictions of cognitive dissonance). However, my epistemology finds revisionistic Christianity to be as attractive as a toothless dog with no bark, no bite, no life.